Sample type/Bacteria Detection

The presence of bacteria in the environment and the human body is very common; we come into contact with countless species every day. It is gratifying that most of them are neutral or friendly to humans. However, the presence of pathogenic strains is not negligible. The development of rapid, sensitive, and specific methods for the detection and analysis of bacteria is of great significance for food safety, environmental testing, understanding disease mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment, and the prevention of bioterrorism.

The presence of bacteria in the environment and the human body is very common; we come into contact with countless species every day. It is gratifying that most of them are neutral or friendly t...

Bacteria Basic Research

With the continuous development of science and technology, various methods are currently available for bacterial detection and analysis. Flow cytometry has the potential to replace the traditional plate culture method as the standard method for detecting bacteria in the future.

With the continuous development of science and technology, various methods are currently avail...

Bacteria in Food

Bacteria can parasitize in the human digestive tract and form a stable symbiotic relationship with humans. Additionally, humans can use bacteria to construct various genetically engineered bacteria for food.

Bacteria can parasitize in the human digestive tract and form a stable symbiotic relationship ...

Bacterial Resistance

In recent years, the abuse of antibiotics has led to an increasingly serious bacterial resistance, posing a serious threat to human health. Among various bacterial resistance mechanisms, β-lactamase is the primary cause of drug resistance in 80% of pathogenic bacteria. It can hydrolyze the core structure of antibiotics, rendering them ineffective. There is a coexistence of drug-resistant bacteria and sensitive bacteria in clinical samples, and traditional detection methods are often unable to identify the presence of a small amount of drug-resistant bacteria.

In recent years, the abuse of antibiotics has led to an increasingly serious bacterial resista...

Pathogen Detection

Fast, sensitive, and specific detection of pathogenic bacteria is of great significance for food safety, environmental monitoring, disease diagnosis and treatment, and prevention of bioterrorism. Traditional pathogenic microbial detection methods require the isolation, culture, and a series of biochemical reactions of bacteria, which are complex in operation, have a long detection cycle, and cannot be applied to pathogenic bacteria that are difficult to culture.

Fast, sensitive, and specific detection of pathogenic bacteria is of great significance for fo...